Monday, February 25, 2013

The More I Know, the Less I Know

The more I learn and get around, the less I think I know about what matters. I say stuff on this blog, and sometimes people will tell me they like what I've said, or they enjoy reading it. I appreciate the compliments and am encouraged by them, but honestly, most of the time, I feel like a giant windbag...just talking, running my mouth, tapping on the keyboard. 

I just think, Lord, if only they knew how clueless I am. Or what a hypocrite I can be. I wonder if I really live and believe everything I say? Is it evident in my life that I'm a follower of Christ or do I look like everybody else? 

Do I still fear the opinion of man?

Do I even come close to loving people the way I'm called to?

Do I love and accept people as they are? Or do I make judgments?

Do I give people a chance or make hasty judgments?

Am I willing to serve? To lay down my rights for the greater purpose of glorifying God?

Do I love Him with my whole heart, or is my heart divided?

Am I willing to be uncomfortable?

Do I put myself first?

Am I knocking people over with the plank in my eye, while trying to help them with their speck?

Do I really believe He loves me? Am I underwhelmed?

These are just a bunch of questions rolling around in my head. One thing I don't like is, "fake." So, I thought I'd throw out there that I'm laying some questions out before the Lord and bracing myself for the answers. He desires truth in my inmost being. I think I am ready to hear it...hopefully in small chunks at a time. 

Is "chunk" a southern word?? I'm more conscious of my speech since we moved :)

I don't have it together...and have so little figured out. Forgive me if I have behaved as if I do.

That is all.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

First World Problems

Over the last few weeks I started taking note of the ridiculous things we, in our household, get bent out of shape over. So, here is my top 10 list of Pittman First World Problems:

10. The static electricity in this place is making my freshly ground coffee fly all over the countertop. Now I have to clean it up. Gah.

9. NETFLIX is not working. I'm so frustrated!

8. The tag on my new scarf from Urban Outfitters is sticking out. Why do they sew tags on scarves, anyway?! Gah.

7. My caramel latte is NOT sweet enough. I thought I told her I liked something sweet. Or, similarly, this latte is too sweet! I cannot drink this.

6. These apples do not have skins on them. I want skins on my apple slices. I am NOT eating these! <grunt

5. Cooking food makes such a huge mess. Can everybody just stop eating?

4. We have too much food in this house.

3. My 3G hasn't been working for the last 30 seconds. What is the problem?! What. A. Piece. Of garbage!

2. OMG. Since we moved to Kansas I actually have to scroll down in the drop down box when I'm entering my address info into a website. I used to be first on the list. What a pain.

1. The Velcro in my North Face jacket keeps snagging my new scarf from Urban Outfitters. Velcro is from the devil!

Feel free to share yours. I'd love to hear what ridiculous thing is ruining your life today ;)